Comfort & Wellbeing
– Relieves the stress on the back
– Electric backrest and leg rest with knee-bend
– Adjustable height, suitable for all sizes
– User-friendly handset
Modern Look
– Head and footboard surround in all-wood beech, inside in plywood and melamine
– Wooden surround for the chassis and the mattress platform, wood tint matching the end boards
User-friendly handset!
– Backrest: Choose the best backrest angle for you
– Variable Height: Adjust the electric variable height to get in and out of bed
– Comfort Position: Synchronise the leg and backrest angles for the best comfort
– Leg-rest: Choose the best leg angle to facilitate blood flow.
Standing, Bedtime and Housework Aid
– The adjustable height is perfect for getting out of bed because the bed rises up to hip level
– The mattress platform is reinforced so less effort is required to get out of bed