
Dream Tourer X – Road Mobility Scooter

This product is not available online but is in stock, please contact your local store for more information and to arrange a test drive and discuss all your scooter needs.



The Tourer X features an upgraded motor and larger wheels for increased range. It boasts pneumatic tyres, angle adjustable tiller, width adjustable armrests, new contoured sports Captain seat swivel chair and available in 4 metallic colour options with a new modern two-tone shroud design, incorporating full LED lighting for increased road safety.



12 inch wheels

Pneumatic tyres

Larger batteries

Non-slip foot mat

Angle adjustable tiller

Front shopping basket

Full LED lighting system

Captain seat swivel chair

Width adjustable armrests

Eye catching two-tone shroud design

Delta steering wheel for easier control

User friendly dashboard with battery indicator

Adjustable seat height and angle adjustable folding backrest

Available colours: Benz Silver, Gallardo Orange, Kite Blue and Tuscan Red



*Mile range varies depending on weather and terrain conditions.